Unity 2020.3.4f1
Dakrift 2 Free version - We use Darkrift for the multiplayer
LeanTween FREE
Text Mesh Pro
The Roulette Includes
All the game scripts
CasinoMultiplayerServer.sln -
Location: mutliplayer\multiplayer_server_script\CasinoMultiplayerServer
You need to get the multiplayer project from Assets\RouletteFakeit\ extract it in the main directory of your game. Where there are folders like "Packages" "UserSettings" "Library" so when you extrat it you should have multiplayer folder with the main projects in it.
One of the first things you need to do is Build the Project CasinoMultiplayerServer. If the project is in the correct directory which is pointed above, it should build successfuly and include the dlls inside Assets/Plugins folder.
If Assets\Plugins folder doesn't exist create one and after that build/rebuild the project again.
These dependencies are required in order the project to run without errors:
Darkrift 2 Free version
Newtonsoft requires that there are no errors inside the project (this is stated inside the documentation of the newtonsoft package) so we need to install it before we put our RouletteFakeit folder inside the Assets. If you already downloaded the package which might be the case before installing Newtonsoft it's not a problem. Just move the RouletteFakeit folder which is located inside the Assets to somewhere outside of the project and install Newtonsoft. After Newtonsoft is installed and you can see the package added to your main game Solution you can move back the RouletteFakeit folder inside the Assets.
The Newtonsoft reference should be added automatically to the solution
If you are building for Android depends on your settings, but sometimes Unity can strip some code which will cause the multiplayer to not work on Android, to resolve that, just create a new file inside the Assets/Plugins folder and name it link.xml with the following code inside.
Go to mutliplayer\multiplayer_server and run DarkRift.Server.Console.exe this will start the server. After that you can open the game and start playing.
If you are on linux or just preffer not to start the server trough the exe file, you can run the server trough Docker.
If you change the location of any of the projects you might have issues with dependencies. Currently when the projects are built they automatically copy the generated dll in the right directory. You can change that by going to the specific project Build Events and change the locations acoordingly your change.
Last updated
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