Free Spin Ticket System

You can get free spin tickets each time you watch an ad. There are four types of tickets available to players

  • Type 1 ticket – You can get this ticket infinetly it pays the smalles but it’s percentage based on the current LEVEL experience. So if you are level 1 and it requires you β€œ2,000,000.A Exp” to reach level 2 you get ticket on value β€œ20,000.A” so when you use it the Free Spins that are triggered are on bet β€œ20,000.A”

  • Type 2 ticket – You can get that ticket twice a day with higher value

  • Type 3 ticket – You can get that ticket when you have 14 tickets from type 2 collected

  • Type 4 ticket – You can get that ticket when you have 30 tickets from the 1st type collected only once a month.

Tickets are percent-based and scale with your level. All ticket values can be easily changed but the current state is like shown above. This makes a system where the user is not forced but rather rewarded when watching ads. This gives space to longer ads of higher value to be implemented.

Last updated

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